Crassula argentea / Jade

Jade plants are not highly toxic to dogs. However, signs like increased heartbeat and severe depression will immediately manifest when ingested by dogs. The dog should be directly taken to the veterinarian for treatment.

Cycas revolute / Sago palm

Sago Palms are considered very poisonous to dogs, with symptoms of ailment manifesting as immediately as 15 minutes. The seeds of Sago Palms are a majorly harmful part to dogs. Sago Palm poisoning is fatal for both dogs and cats, so it's wise to keep all pets away from the plant. Or better still, consider an alternative to the plant.

Rhododendron / Azaleas

The Azaleas plant is dangerous to dogs because it contains toxins that attack their nervous system. The almost immediate sign of this kind of poisoning is tremor and low blood pressure. Other severe symptoms manifest minutes after this. If you notice the early symptoms of poisoning, you can induce vomit to stop the poisoning. If not, seek immediate medical help.

Juniper Procumbens / Japanese Juniper

Japanese Juniper trees have low toxic content. Although dogs show signs of illness when they ingest this bonsai plant, their sickness is usually mild. Symptoms like skin rashes and vomiting are the early signs of juniper tree poisoning. Despite the mild juniper poisoning, pet dogs should be kept away from this bonsai plant. And immediate medical actions should be given to the affected dog. There are also others like the Umbrella Trees, Ficus Ginseng, Boxwood, Apricot, Ambrosia Mexicana, Australian Ivy Palm, Buddhist Pine, Cherry tree, Norfolk Island Pine, and Wisteria. Some initial signs of poisoning by bonsai trees are skin rash, vomiting, stomach pain, diarrhea, sluggish behavior, lived failure, seizure, etc. At the point of these symptoms, it's easy to treat the pets when immediate attention is given to the pet. It's almost difficult to identify the bonsai trees that have no harmful effect on dogs. It's my advice that if you're cultivating a bonsai tree in Dubai and UAE, ensure to keep your pet away from the reach of the plant. You can enjoy your bonsai tree and your pet if you adhere to reasonable safety measures at home. If you notice signs of poisoning, take immediate steps to treat your pet to avoid any loss.