Crassula / Jade

The crassula is a succulent plant adapted to most homes' warm indoor conditions. It has beautiful oval-shaped leaves that are beautiful to the sight. Crassula plants are perfect for home and office decoration because of their attractive appearance. Keep it watered and at an indoor temperature that's below 50'F(10'C).

Carmona / Fukien Tea

The Carmon plant is an indoor plant of Asian origin. Being a plant that requires a lot of light for healthy growth, a Carmon plant should be placed by the window for rich light supply. Ensure to nurture it against dry air by watering it constantly. The best temperature of a Carmona plant is 70'F(20'C).

Schefflera arboricola / Hawaiian Umbrella

Popularly called the "Dwarf Umbrella tree," Schefflera arboricola traces Australia's origin. Healthy maintenance of this tree often requires fertilizer for support. The Dwarf Umbrella is an indoor plant that thrives in moist soil. It is resistant to insect attacks, and its ideal temperature is 18-22'C(65-72'F).

Sageretia / Sweet Plum

The Sageretia plant is a subtropical indoor plant that doesn't tolerate low temperatures. So it's best nurtured in a warm environment. The Sagarita plants need steady watering to maintain it indoors because it's sensitive to an insufficient water supply. The ideal temperature to cultivate it is 53-72'C(12-22'C)

Other bonsai trees can also grow indoors, such as the Ficus Ginseng tree, the Chinese Elm, and Cranberry Hibiscus. Since you're growing these plants indoors, please give them a rich supply of light by placing them beside the windows. Or ensure to identify them before beaming lanterns.